
Showing posts with the label Fruit

Life without Love is like a Tree without Blossoms or Fruit, A World with So Much Hate Doesn't Have Many Blossoms or Fruit Either!

The Seed is the Word of God, Jesus is the Sower. All Who Come to Him Will have Life Forever! Bloom Where You are Planted in Christ!

Stay Focused on the Better-Land, Heaven, Where the Fruit of Jesus is Unending!

Blessed to Be Trained and Learned Discipline, What Peace and Pleasant Times it Brings in Life Now!

Blessed to Abide in God Alone and He in Me So to Bear Much Fruit!

"I Am" Blessed! Trusting God with All in Life! Get Planted in Good Soil, Fertilized by the Bible, and Grow God Fruit!

Being a Blessing as Life is An Adventure in Forgiveness! Maybe Also a Fruit of the Spirit?

Your Good Seeds Are Producing Good Fruit Every Single Day Here on Earth!