In Peace with God, Not Losing Heart, We Can Conquer This World Too Like Jesus Christ!
“I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world.”
-John 16:33
Stay in Spirit always! That is the only way! Be with God, follow Jesus! Do not fall for this fallen and godless world which is broken and corrupted by man. The devil is lurking. So many have become slaves of the devil, we only have to look at our government, elected, and most so-called leaders and their followers, all slaves to Lucifer. They think killing babies are fine, no law or order, complete chaos and being high on drugs instead of God, so many are empty, live with out God or any strong faith or religion, off track completely, trying to live in this world, this Earth School without God, but it cannot be done. John reminds us all of this in this Bible verse. We need God! He is the only way in which we can survive and conquer this world! Don't become slaves of this world, money, material and carnal things, follow only God, only put Jesus Christ on a pedestal and you can conquer this broken world and people and really find peace. Don't lose heart! We are blessed as we can conquer this world too like Jesus Christ, we can get to Heaven when we put all out trust in Him!
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