Blessed When We Sow Righteousness, Our Reward will Reap Much in Heaven as We Spend Eternity with Jesus Christ!


A wicked person earns deceptive wages, but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.

-Proverbs 11:18

This Proverbs verse says it all for all people! We need to live godly lives, be upright, holy, not deceptive and wicked. While it seems today like so many people move up, kiss up, the yes people who advance, yet are mediocre and do nothing, all succeed and make the big buck because of their wicked ways, stay faithful in the Lord. Take the high road and be upright, your reward is much greater in Heaven with the Lord. The reward will be much greater in Heaven than it is in this broken world of corruption, greed, and selfishness. Do good, don't let the bad bring you down or make you feel bad, when they move up and do deceitful things and it all seems unfair, know that God is a just judge and He will make it all right, if not in this world, then in Heaven to spend eternity with Him! We need to be wise in how we live a godly life for Jesus Christ! 


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