Miracles from God Keep Coming Each Day: Beach Blessed All Week with His Miracles and Blessings!


I saw a quote today that said something like miracles come to those who believe in them! How nice! We need to believe in miracles! Miracles from God that is! They all come from Him you know? God is so great! He is the Master of miracles! My life has proof of it! I speak about it here all the time on this blog/website and with my stories and write-ups. Miracles are all around us! God is the author of all of our miracles! Only God! Jesus Christ is King of the Universe! He is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that lives in us, we need to only put Him on a pedestal and know that He is working behind the scenes to make all these miracles possible. The Bible shares many miracles from God and Jesus! He is our Healer and Dream Maker! He is my Everything! I am so grateful for Him, He protects me from all the evil of this world, the evil people running things, the people who hate and persecute, the people who ignore and censor, God has my back, He is my Vindicator and Salvation.  My Prince of Peace! I thank God for all of this, my prayer time with Him at the beach, to have Him so close by, to recognize my Savior, my Light, my Salvation, I hope to be an instrument, a disciple of His for a very long time, singing His praises. His miracles are abounding! 
