We Need to Pray for Our So Called Leaders, Elected, and Powers That Be, for our Country and World from all Evil of Satan!


I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

-1 Timothy 2:1-2

We need to pray for our leaders today like the Bible says here! It is critical today, so many have sold their souls to satan selling out our countries and the world as a whole for greed, corruption, self-serving ways, today we see so much corruption all around us from our elected and governments, powers that be, so much! It is sad! Like this Bible verse from 1st Timothy says, they need our prayers! It is hard to come across good leaders, elected, or people running things today! Most are corrupt, greedy, selfish, and self-serving. They hide the truth, cover up their greed and corruption, and manipulative even the media and others to make them think that their evil ways are somehow good or fine, when they are not. Abortion is not good, it is murder, the death penalty too, both wrong. Chose life! Be upright and people of goodwill. Follow God's commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill, even when most people have decided to be slave to the devil instead. Don't fall into their temptation, to their greed, to their evil un-right ways! We are called to be children of God, to do His will, to follow Him, to give Him all glory, not the devil or evil ways or to fall pray to the evil of this world like so many today have done. Be careful, today we are living in strange times when we have people and our government saying bad is good and it is fine to do, it is not. Don't follow their evil! Follow only Jesus and do good! Pray for these people in charge, pray for all to turn from their evil ways and turn to God and follow Jesus and His ways only! We will have more of His blessings and peace when we do here on this Earth School! 
