
Showing posts with the label Authority

Live an Upright Life and Know the Holy One of God!

There is a lot of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places Today, We See it in the News Daily, Confront in at the Gym, etc. We Need to Remain Focused on God and His Goodness!

Refuge in God, Don't Submit to the Hate Like so Many Others Have, The Earth May be Loathsome, so Heaven is more Desirable!

We Need to Pray for Our So Called Leaders, Elected, and Powers That Be, for our Country and World from all Evil of Satan!

God is the One Who Has All Authority Over Us! Trust Only Jesus! Honor and Obey Only God!

God's Authority is Absolute and Above All: The Weeds May Be Growing with the Wheat, But God will Burn those Weeds When the Time Comes!