Living a Clean, Innocent Life as Children of God, Shining Like Bright Lights! Giving all Glory to God!


For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.

-Philippians 2:13-15

We need to live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights! That is what God wants us to do! Please God, rejoice in Him! We need to be joyful, positive, and hopeful always, rejoicing in God always, trying to live like Jesus the best we can. We should not fear anyone but the Lord. We need to ignore any negative and anxious thoughts from our lives and live for God and know we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven if we live by His Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and being people of goodwill. He is always looking out for us and fighting our battles. We see so many today fallen for all of these slaves who like pop culture attractions, like tattoos,  social media, iPhones, drugs, etc. So many fall for all these things today, becoming slaves of things of this world, and carnal desires or other material things, money, or power. We live among so many crooked and perverse, especially from our elected, governments, and so called leaders. We live in a broken world, fallen people who have become slaves of sin, even in the Bible it says tattoos and cuttings are sinful in Leviticus, we need to turn from all of this, not deface our bodies and respect how God made us and not become consumed by things of this world or falling for all this pop culture nonsense. We saw are old priest today at the gym, he completely ignored us, like always, and on his cellphone the entire time, would not give us the time of day, so much for a priest being Christ-like to his parishioners. All we can do is pray for him and be lights and upright and holy the best we can in a broken world of  crooked and perverse people. We need to try to shine for God nonetheless. There is so much hypocrisy today and in our world, especially by so called leaders, priests, elected, governments, and administrations, it is so sad.  We need to not entertain the people like the ones who put the nails in Jesus on the cross, we need to not engage or have anything to do with negativity, hate, or people who are deranged or indifferent. Just loving, kind, and positive, giving all glory to God! God gives us a lot of good advice in the Bible, this is one of them we need to remember and live by and we will be more blessed if we do! Letting His will be done in my life and shining by light the best I can! 
