Our Labor is Not in Vain When we Put our Faith in the Lord! Trust in Him and You are always Blessed!


Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

-1 Corinthians 15:58

We are living in trying times, Revelation times, apocalyptic times, we see it all around us, greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, hate, division, negativity, and many deranged souls, selling themselves out to the devil, even selling their country out for a lot of money. But, we need to stand firm! God has got this. We need to be upright, holy, not vain, hateful, negative, deranged, but positive, joyful, hopeful, and loving. We need to learn not to let the things happening today move us. We need to be unmovable and remain steadfast in the Lord, He will get us through anything when we put out trust in Him and follow and obey His commands and the teachings of Jesus and be people of goodwill.  He doesn't ask for much. We all know right from wrong. Money, greed, corruption, fraud, are things we all know are bad and need to stay away from, they are things of the devil. Yet, so many sell their souls to Lucifer, Luciferins,  they treat the devil as if he is God, instead, the devil is not God. We need to be hopeful, joyful, positive in the Lord, He has got this! Our labor is not in vain when we put our faith in the Lord and let Him lead us, guide us, instruct us and be people of goodwill! 
