Sin Less, Be More Holy, Follow Jesus, Live By His Teachings, the 10 Commandments, be People of Goodwill!


There is the seed of all sins, the vilest and worst of sins, are in the best of men! 

⏤ Thomas Brooks

Well, we sure do see this today in society, most elected, governments, administrations, so called leaders are some of the biggest sinners and wicked people. We see and hear about it every single day in the news, or the truth news. Some news today does not show all the truth if they want to cover for the mediocrity. I heard today in the news that someone said, equity is equal to mediocrity and it seems like that is true in so many places. Many people also say, The Peter Principle and says or theorizes that people in an organization will be promoted up to a point where they are no longer qualified, leaving a company full of incompetent so called leaders. This seems to be what has happened today in most organizations and our government as a whole. The greed, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity are so apparent today in our society and government by our elected and so called leaders, they sin so much, lie so much, deceive, and just plan sin! So many wicked people today in power running all, then we wonder why we have so much chaos and dysfunction. The seeds of sin are all around us, the pop culture sins attract so much for us to be slaves to all. We really need to be careful today not to fall for all of this and be a slave to sin like most of the people out there. The sad thing about it, all these bad people who sell out their government, souls, and themselves out for millions and become Judas's do not even seem to repent, and change or care or feel embarrassed. It is sad, they do not think about the legacy they are leaving behind. Where are the ethics and morals today? What has any Christ-like principles? We do not see it in most elected and powers that be. It has to come from the bottom up I guess, someone needs to save their soul and look after working toward getting into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus. Be careful not to fall for this broken world. Don't sin! Be upright and holy! 
