We Need to Live with Love and Peace On this Earth School Knowing We are Going Home as We are Citizens of Heaven!


We all need to live and be filled with so much joy, positivity, peace, and wellbeing each day! God gives us this and we need to use it and count our blessings and live with joy at all times! Each day we are given wonderful memories, we have wonderful families, parents, siblings, careers, our faith, we have so much and need to count our blessings and see the good in all each day, at every moment!  We need to remember we are citizens of Heaven first, man may have made countries, states, governments, and all here on this Earth School, but man do not always do a lot of good, especially the majority of our elected and so called leaders, who are greedy, self-serving, and power hungry using their authority to control  and hurt others. God does not do what man does and we need to turn all over to Him, let His will be done, follow only Him, be positive, live in Spirit, and count our blessing each day, giving all glory to God for all while staying joyful always.  This world can bring you down, but with God, we have hope and know our future is with Him in Heaven when we leave this Earth School and go home. We all need to receive the many blessings from God daily and count our blessings and give thanks! God made each of us unique, beautiful people, thank God each day He brought all this goodness into our lives and we could journey together with others as we learn about and do the best with our Earth School experience, following the teachings of Jesus, the Commandments of God, and trying to always be people of goodwill! Live with love and peace as residents of this Earth School! We are going Home to Heaven very soon! 
