Glorifying God Always, Not Allowing this World to Swallow Me Up!
Let me forget the world and be swallowed up in the desire to glorify God.
⏤ David Brainerd
We need to live and be positive, be joyful in the Lord always! Like the quote says, we cannot be so consumed by this world, we need to instead desire and give glory to God always, live for God, be as Christ-like as possible, live and make the first priority in our lives to get into Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus. Nothing of this world is as important as our salvation and getting into Heaven and we need to be as positive and joyful, full of love and glorify God always! Count our blessings! Live for the Lord! We see today so many people, most of our elected and so called leaders, our governments, all so consumed by this world, pop culture, material and carnal desires, it is easy to be swallowed up by this world and all its empty promises, the deception of man, the lies, the mediocrity. God offers us so much more, so give glory to where it is deserved! We are citizens of Heaven first and we need to glorify God always!
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