Please Christ and Serve Him Alone, Not People, We Only Need God's Approval!


Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

-Galatians 1:10

We only need God's approval! We only need to serve Him! Not humans. Humans will always disappoint, they lie, cheat, steal, deceive, many are lazy and do many corrupt and unethical things, it is hard to trust man, it is even harder to trust our government and elected today, all so self-serving, selfish, greedy, and corrupted. God is not that way. He will not let you down or abandon you like humans do. I recently donated money for a book with a famous preacher/ministry, they took my money, but never sent the book, then I called them three times and emailed them three times, not luck, no book, they just string you alone, empty promises. The sad thing was I had followed this preacher for almost 25 years, I have bought and read most of his books, watch him on TV weekly, donated a lot over the years, for them to treat you this way, even a preacher will disappoint. Our old priest at our old church we would see in the gym and out and about, he would ignore us, avoid us, not even bother to talk to us, and he is a Catholic priest, yes, man does disappoint, they will always let you down. God never will! We do not need their approval, only God's and we already have that. We only need to serve Christ. We need to stop following others aside from Christ, don't put anyone else on a pedestal, no preacher or priest or government elected are worth it. You do not need their approval, you do not need to serve them only Jesus! Win the approval of Jesus alone, make it a priority to live a life of quality, not mediocrity like the preacher, he talks a good talk, but then does not practice what he says. Ironic! But true! We only need God's approval and we already have that! He loves us so much, make it a priority to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Him! He will not deceive or disappoint! We need to be positive, be joyful, rejoice in the Lord always, count our blessings always, and know that our most important reward in our lifetime is to spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus! 
