Citizen of Heaven, Honoring God the Best I Can on this Earth School, Giving all Glory to God, Heaven is More Important than $2,000,000 from this World!

Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 

- Galatians 3:26

Jesus is the way to God. He said he was the way, the truth, and the light. We need Jesus to get to Heaven and to be with God. He is not an end all or just someone we need to get to God, He is going to be a big part of our life. We are Citizens of Heaven, not of this world. This is just an Earth School journey, a test for us, can we pass it? The devil is tempting so much, daily, at all times. Looks how many cave to and become slaves for him. Almost all elected, authority, and powers that be are slaves today for Satan, it is so obvious, they sell their souls and their country out for more and more money. How sad! There is so much pay to play in government, at all levels, I have seen it in HOA's Condos, city, county, state, and the federal government, in the world. It is all about paying to play, no wonder why so many laws can be broken to allow someone to get away with things, or doing what they want. Money and greed, power, titles, it all brings fraud, bribery, corruption, we see it daily in our lives and government today, it is very sad. They act proud about it even, not at all embarrassed that they tarnish their names by cheating, by making millions on others, taking so much, for what? It is sad. We need to put all our trust in the Lord, have faith in Him. Look what He did to Cain after killing his brother Able, God will handle all, He is the just judge. We need to do what is right, even when we see our government and elected not, we are God's children, we need Jesus to get to Him, we need to have faith that He will get us through all of this Earth School experience doing what is right, seeing the greedy and corruption, but not being a slave to it like so many are today. It is more important to be a son of God, a prince of His, than to be part of the aristocrats here on this Earth School, the elected, the rich, the famous, the stars, the sport stars, none of what they offer is anything compared to what God's offers us. He will give us a whole lot more than $2,000,000 in Heaven of what is really important. Put your faith in Him alone! Giving all glory to God! 

The Mornings With God App today said, "There is a great deal of struggling for honor and place in this world. Men think if they can get a few million dollars they have reached distinction. Or they think if they can get a high office they have won one of earth’s best prizes. There are some also who spend their life in trying to get recognition in society. How pitiful all this must appear to those who look down from heaven upon this earth! Paul shows us here what is really the highest rank to which man can attain. He says, “Ye are all sons of God, through faith, in Christ Jesus.” To be a son of God is immeasurably higher than being in the most aristocratic circles. To be an heir of God is to be infinitely richer than to be the owner of millions. When the disciples asked who was greatest, they were thinking only of earthly standards. To be like a little child is to be great. To serve others is the heavenliest occupation to which anyone can out his hands. To be Christ–like is glory."
