Focus on Christ! Focus on things Heavenly Above!


If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above. 

- Colossians 3:1

The Mornings With God App had a nice Bible verse, write-up, and prayer today. a great reminder that we are not of this world! If we follow Christ, we are citizens of Heaven and will spend eternity with Him there, we are not of this world and should not let things of this world disturb us so much! So so true! The App said, " Every Christian life should have the upward look. If we believe on Christ we are one with Him, dying in Him. So Paul says: “If then ye were raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is.” Becoming a Christian, then, makes us a citizen of heaven. We live yet in this world, but our home is above, where Christ is. Heaven’s joys should be our joys. Heaven’s life should be our life. “Your life is hid with Christ in God.” This means that we are sheltered in Christ. It means also our life has its sources of strength, of nourishment, of help, in Christ. Our hearts and eyes should be drawn away therefore from things earthly to things heavenly. We ought to live for things above. We ought to set our minds on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth. While we stay here for a while, we are going on to heaven, where we shall live forever."

What a blessing and great reminder for all of us that we need to not let this world consume us or get us down. Trust in God, follow Him,  believe in Him. He always comes to our aid and will help us get through all the turmoil's of this world. Remain joyful in Him! Find refuge in Him. Follow Him, seek Him, obey Him and His commands and the teachings of Jesus, we have nothing to worry about, not any of the evil of this world, the slaves of satan, the ones that seek power and money and make them gods over our Lord. Focus on things Heavenly! Focus on Christ! 
