Not Sure I Want to Be Remembered for a Golden Coffin! I Want to Go to Heaven not Hell!


A golden coffin will be a poor compensation for a damned soul! 

⏤ Charles Spurgeon

I saw this quote today in the Mornings with God App this morning and it resonated with me. So many who are such bad people, thugs, and demonic, just bad bad people yet go down in history as being some martyr and have golden coffins for what? Like it says, a poor compensation for a damned soul! It is very sad today the state of affairs today in our country, state, world, and society as a whole. We have our values all wrong. We put on a pedestal thieves, thugs, people who bribe and are corrupt. People who steal, lie, and cheat, who sell their souls to the devil and their own country out, just very bad people, we put them up on a pedestal, because we hate the other guy, like they hated Jesus and had him crucified. It is ironic today how irrational and illogical our society has become. They would prefer to have a thief, a corrupt, and scandalous  person in charge, like in some countries, they elected someone who was a drug dealer, killer, kidnapper, and anarchist to be their leader, who paid their citizens a little money for a vote, what would you sell your soul for? Will you sell your country out because of your hate for Jesus or someone else for no reason, other than being afraid of them because they talk about God? Why would anyone want to be a cop today with what they have to put up with, all these thugs who steal, break laws, rob, and run from their crimes, and then they place it all on the cops, make them look like the bad guys. Our governments and law enforcement are corrupted today, there is a very unjust system today in our world, no law and order, we are living in sad times and our country and world need a lot of prayers. We need people to restore their values, turn to God, and be more righteous and holy. Please pray for our world and so called leaders, authority, and powers that be! 
