Refuge in God, Don't Submit to the Hate Like so Many Others Have, The Earth May be Loathsome, so Heaven is more Desirable!


All our afflictions and all our temptations are to make Heaven more desirable, and earth more loathsome! 

⏤ George Whitefield

While we may see some glimpses of Heaven while on this Earth School, this is not Heaven here and we can see and experience a lot of loathsomeness here. Mostly due to people and how they live, selfishness, corrupt, greedy, self-serving, hateful, insecure, there are a lot of reasons. We see a lot of hate today in our society. We know the Bible and God gave us the 10 Commandments, Jesus taught us some so much how to be, recall the 10 Commandments talk about loving your neighbor as yourself. However, too many people hate today. We see it daily, so much hate! I have never seen so much hate in my life. They hate someone so much that they make excuses for why it is okay for someone else to commit bribes, fraud, and break the law, this is all fine, since they hate the other person. Our government and elected, authority, and powers that be today are very complicit along with big business, the media which most covers for the state, and the social media/internet which censors so much, taking the side of the state and regime controlling all now. We live in hard times, frustrating times, depressing and demoralizing times of injustice and hate. The hate is such a problem today, the state regime in charge today has so much hate, promote so much injustice, and has divided the people like the devil does. They have become such slaves for Satan, it is sad, sad times for human beings to live on this Earth, it is not desirable anymore.  The sin of hate and injustice  from the so-called leaders today exposed makes Heaven more desirable for sure! We could have Heaven here on Earth, we will some day when Jesus comes back, but for now, the slaves have taken over so much. All we can do is pray. Stay away from evil and don't fall prey to these slaves or submit. Keep hopeful, trust in God, Believe He will get you through all of this. Try to live with the Holy Spirit within always, stay joyful and positive, loving and kind, rejoice in the Lord always and know that this is not your home, this Earth School, we can go to Heaven and spend eternity with Jesus if we stay focused on Him and not become a slave to Satan like so many have today.  Find refuge in God alone. His promises are not a lie like that of man here! 
