Sad to See a Rejection of Morality and its Demands in Our Society Today!


For the new atheism is not like the old, theoretical atheism, which prided itself on being intellectually compounded of a little science, anthropology, and comparative religion. The new atheism is not of the intellect, but of the will; it is an act of free and eager rejection of morality and its demands. It starts with the affirmation of self and the denial of the moral law.

-Archbishop Fulton Sheen, 1895 – 1979

I saw this quote this week. I have always admired Bishop Sheen. He stood up for what was morally right. Especially for the right to live and saving innocent, helpless, voiceless babies. He was tough! Today we see a complete decline of ethics and morality. So many today are so selfish and self-serving, they are greedy, corrupt, commit fraud, bribery, break laws, and do not think of others or their country as a whole. We see this from our elected, authority, and so called leaders in charge today, so much chaos, so much dishonesty and mediocrity. No one has God in them anymore! So many lack God, they do not care and have no values or morals. It is sad to see. Especially from our elected and so-called leaders. Some of the worst examples of being upright and Godly. Today, it seems as if our governments and world are run by Satan and his slaves, we see so many bad people today. They think they are so smart, such intellects, what gives these so called people in authority the right to decide the fate of all the rest of us human beings? That should be up to God, not them! They think they are in charge, but they really are not, we need to resist these slaves of the devil, follow Christ, live for Him, and know that our citizenship is in Heaven with God, not here on this Earth School, run now by slaves of Satan. Things of this world are not important, it is all an illusion we need to resist. We also need to resist the news, frustrations, depression, inflictions, etc. they try to put on us, they lie, they deceive, they are not God! God is good, and we need to reject the slaves who have no morality. We need to follow God alone! Put all our trust in Him! 
