My Father Was So Good to Me Today! Feeling So Blessed!


God is so good to me! My Father really knows how to take care of me. I am thankful and grateful for all He does for me. For all He has given me. My Parents, siblings, spouse, education, faith, friends, beach, house, profession, career, etc. God has been so good to me. Today the beach was quiet, hardly anyone there, but it was nice and I did enjoy the water, both days this week so far. God has been very good to me. He brings me so much peace and love. He teaches me so much about humans and humanity while here. It does not make me want to stay here. This beach is a glimpse of Heaven, but only that. There is nothing here for me on this world. God promises more, He has already delivered so much, and I know He will not disappoint and will deliver even more. All we need to do is obey, follow Jesus and His example, and be people of goodwill. I love seeing my sandpipers! Thank you God! 


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