My Number One Goal in Life is to Get into Heaven! Focusing on Divine Things, Not Things of this World! There is No Pay to Play with God!


Many in the church are toiling like ants to gain this world’s dross, but are as idle as a butterfly in regard to divine things. 

⏤ Charles Spurgeon

I always say that my number one priority in life is to get into Heaven. I was mocked by a priest the other day for saying this. Yet, he was the same priest that ignored us for 2+ years, would have nothing to do with us, avoided, judged, and dismissed us, then wondered why we switched churches. Even priests and the clergy have issues, they should be helping to get all people into Heaven, not chasing them away from the church and their faith. This is just so sinful. Today so many people are so consumed by things of this world. Gaining so much materialism. They will cheat, steal, and lie. Like car dealers to price gouge and be deceptive in selling. Our own government and elected are also like ants, crazy lawless, greedy, self-serving ants doing all they can for money and power. The pay to play is so prevalent in our society today and in government.  It really is a sin! We cannot let humans even bad priest prevent you from getting into Heaven. They will steal your souls too, dampen your spirits, really hurt you. The devil is lurking, even within the clergy. I had a bad experience with a famous TV preacher I had watched for 25 years, bought all his books, listened to his TV show, read his prayer emails, donated to him, the last time I donated to him it was for a book, but they took my money, but never sent the book. I emailed, called, and wrote to them like seven times, they never made it right. Clergy can disappoint, we cannot always count on all of them to help us get into Heaven. We are Citizens of Heaven first, we are not of this world. We cannot get so consumed by this world and toiling for all this dross. We need to look beyond that, know we are here for a higher reason, to get into Heaven. There is no pay to play to get into Heaven. God wants us to follow the 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. We need to do the best we can, not beat ourselves up, working toward Heaven, don't be idle, work hard to get into Heaven, that is what is most important in life! God gave all of us many gifts, we need to use them wisely to make a difference on this Earth School, but know we are Citizens of Heaven! 
