There is a lot of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places Today, We See it in the News Daily, Confront in at the Gym, etc. We Need to Remain Focused on God and His Goodness!

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

⏤ Ephesians 6:12

We need to remain focused on God alone in this world and life. While we wrestle against flesh, blood, and things of this material world, we have great worries with the powers that be, the rulers, authority, the darkness of this world. We see so much darkness today. Some people in our world believe it is their right to decide the fate of humanity and all other people. They push their agendas and use their powers and money to control others and this world. Some are so sanctimonious, or think they are God, we see this in our governments today and many in authority, or wealth and power who use this to control. There is so much pay to play in government today. We see and hear about it daily, the greed, corruption, fraud, self-serving ways, of most elected and people of authority today. We need to find refuge in God. Trust in Jesus, surrender to Him and let Him take care of everything. That is all we can do. We can also write, if we can write, and talk about the mediocrity, write about the injustice, point out that the people are the ones in charge, like in the church, Archbishop Fulton Sheen said, we as the people need to point out bad behavior, unethical behavior, mistreatment, whether it is from a priest, an elected official, or a bad and greedy business, we need to speak up, write about it, point out the injustice or greed. Let go and let God then, if you can speak up great, if you feel good about it and want to be an upright citizen and speak up against bad and unethical behavior. There is a lot of darkness in the world. A lot! We need to know that God is on our side, we can trust in Him, surrender it to Jesus, He will take care of everything! Say a St. Michael the Archangel Prayer, it really does help. The devil is lurking, is in people as bad spirits, be alert, the darkness is real, there is wickedness, we need to stay focused on the goodness of God! 
