This is the Day the Lord Has Made! Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad in It!


This is the day that the Lord has made with lyrics on GodTube

I was thinking this morning when I woke up about this song. I want to be positive and rejoiceful in the Lord all the time. This world and humans can certainly bring you down, all the negativity, hate, cancel culture, and wokeness can really be frustrating to see and experience. The news today, it covers for the bad guy more often. This world can bring you down. We need to stay positive. Rejoice in God always. Not let things of this world get us down. People, humans will always disappoint, God never will. We need to stay focused on God! Rejoice in Him! Sing each morning this song to Him! Remind ourselves of His love for us and all He does for us. His love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace are all we need! Give thanks to God daily, rejoice in Him each day! Each day is a gift from God! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! 
