I Want to Only Be a Friend to God, Not of this World!


You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

~James 4:4

This Bible verse is a great reminder for all of us. We need to stop being so consumed by this world. It is not our friend at all. We are on this Earth School for a reason, the plan and purpose comes from God. it is not our plan or choice. But we do have free will and choices as we live here. We can follow God and allow Him to lead us, guide us, instruct us, and take care of us like a Father does accepting His will be done. Or we can become consumed by all things of this world and become slaves for Satan instead. We fall for materialism, drugs, gambling, greed, sex, money, power, corruption, selfishness, and mediocrity we fall for all of it, which all comes from Satan, not God. We need to resist. Our true home is in Heaven with Jesus, to spend eternity with Him, will we pass the test here? Jesus is our real friend and who we need to follow. God gave Jesus to us as an example, He is our Savior. Things of this world will always disappoint, God never will. When we love this world, we will always suffer and be disappointed.  It is all an illusion. Things of the devil always are. We are here to follow God, to obey Him, love Him, serve, and follow Him, He gave us Jesus as an example how to be and live while we are here. We are called to conduct ourselves in holiness and devotion to God while here on this Earth School. God is the best guard against the evil and devil we find here on this Earth School. We all have to decide, will we be friends with God or this world? 
