If We Know Jesus, then We Must Love Like Him! We Must Live His Truth!

The way we may be sure that we know Jesus
is to keep his commandments.
Whoever says, "I know him," but does not keep his commandments
is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
But whoever keeps his word,
the love of God is truly perfected in him.
This is the way we may know that we are in union with him:
whoever claims to abide in him ought to walk just as he walked.
Beloved, I am writing no new commandment to you
but an old commandment that you had from the beginning.
The old commandment is the word that you have heard.
And yet I do write a new commandment to you,
which holds true in him and among you,
for the darkness is passing away,
and the true light is already shining.
Whoever says he is in the light,
yet hates his brother, is still in the darkness.
Whoever loves his brother remains in the light,
and there is nothing in him to cause a fall.
Whoever hates his brother is in darkness;
he walks in darkness
and does not know where he is going
because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

~1 John 2:3-11

I saw this Bible verse in the Catholic mass reading for today as the first reading. It really struck me. It is so true. Some people can be so loving, they exude love, light, and God! It is nice to see. Others can be so dismissive, hateful, indifferent, and even ignore others, show no love at all. Even when one does good and something nice for someone, liking bringing flowers to a friend or neighbor, but then they won't even open their door or call you or text someone and they won't write or call back. It is sad today, so much indifference. We even used to go to a church where our priest would not look at us at church or if we saw him around town. And he was a priest, yet, never would show love. You could walk right by him and say, "hello father" and he would ignore you completely. It was the oddest thing. We switched to another church at Easter time by chance, closer to our house when we went for some Holy Thursday/Good Friday services and we found a very loving older priest, we just started going there and he invited us to events and his happy hours. So much love like Jesus, unlike our old priest. Ironically, we saw the old priest at our gym about six months later, he would never talked to us, but that day came up to us and asked us if we still go to his church. We said no, we switched to another church. He was not happy when I explained why. He did not know Jesus, he was not love, and he was a priest. It was sad to see. We see a lot of people who are not love, we had a bad experience yesterday when we drove up to pick up a prescription for my spouse, the lady at the drive thru was hateful and dismissive, would not give us a receipt, and just hung the phone up and walked away from the window, dismissive and hateful, childish behavior for someone who dispenses drugs and works in a pharmacy, it was sad to see. We pray for them all, that they know God, that they can love like God. Like the Bible reading says above, "Whoever hates his brother is in darkness; he walks in darkness and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes." So many are living in darkness, they are blinded. They become slaves for Satan, and become full of hate and rage. Deranged, living in darkness. We see a lot of people like this today. It is sad. We all need to be careful to live in the light, to live with God's love, the love Jesus showed us, we must love like Him and live His truth! 
