Serve, Love, and Give Thanks and Praise, Follow Jesus as Our Example While on this Earth School Journey!


But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. 

⏤ 1 Peter 4:7

Nothing is more calculated to begat a spirit of prayer than to unite in social prayer with one who has the Spirit himself. 

⏤ Wesley L. Duewel

All we can do is ask God each day for His love, mercy, and Grace. To lead us, guide us, instruct us, and bring us where we need to be and to accept His will be done in our lives. The Mornings with God App had a nice write-up, quote, Bible verse, and prayer today about how great our God is and how grateful and thankful we should be, how God gets us through all problems, He is always there for us to lift us up and to complete what we need to do. We are put on this Earth School to serve. To love, and be like Jesus while we are here. God gave Jesus as our example. We are sinners and human, but by the grace of God in Jesus, we can use Him to help us successful get through all here on Earth so to get into Heaven and spend eternity with our Maker there. What a blessing! 

The Mornings with God App said, "Father, in all things we have come short, and we ask Your grace and mercy. You have promised by Your servant John, that if we confess our sins, You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins. We come to You with confession. Make Your face shine upon us, and give us Your peace. You have kept us through the darkness, from all the perils of the night. We thank You, and we would take further blessing and grace from You. May we be enabled to make this a very worthy and beautiful day. May its every task be finished. May all its assigned work be done. Give us the true loving spirit toward all men. In all our fellowship with others, may we be gentle, thoughtful, charitable, large-hearted, unselfish, and helpful. Preserve us from envy, jealousy, and all bitterness. May we be useful, quieting others' fears, soothing their pains, comforting their sorrows. Help us in all our trials and cares to be patient, victorious, and strong. May we endure trouble and sorrow, sweetly and calmly. May we pass through temptation unhurt by its fires, as the Hebrew children passed through the fires of the king's furnace. May we live in the world, and not be hurt by the world. May our love for You grow stronger and stronger, as we pass toward the end of our earthly pilgrimage. May Heaven draw upon us continually, lifting us nearer to You in spirit every day, ennobling all our life, and throwing about us ever stronger bonds of divine grace. We go forth now into the day to serve You as You will have us serve You. Make us faithful and true. Breathe upon us, and fill us with Your Spirit. We ask in the name of Jesus. Amen."

God is so good to us! May Heaven keep drawing upon us as our goal post as we serve God, loving others, forgiving, showing mercy and grace like Jesus would as we interact and prepare for the Spirit world with Him! Time is short on this Earth School journey, we must love well! 
