A New Year to Turn it All Over to God, That He May Lead Us and We Accept His Will be Done Always!

In the beginning God...

~Genesis 1:1

God should be placed front and center in our lives. The first priority. We need to let Him lead us, guide us, instruct us, and bring us where we need to be always accepting His will be done in our lives. God should be the main part of our lives. He gave us Jesus as an example of how to live here on this Earth School while here. We need to learn to love and serve and be more like Jesus while here. When we put God first, all else falls into place and it will bring us much peace. Trust in Him. This new year, in many of my prayer books and what I have seen today talk about making sure you put God first this year, even in my Jesus Calling book I am starting this year. 

The Mornings with God App today said, "Everything should begin with God. His should be the first voice we hear each morning, calling us to awake and set forth on the day’s journey. We should begin each year with God. We write in all our dates, A.D., Anno Domini, the year of our Lord. If these are years of our Lord, we should make them really such. It is not enough to write Christ’s name on the years; we should make sure that He is in all the year’s life – its business, its pleasures, its friendships, its work and play. To start the year with God will give us a heavenly impulse which will make the whole year mean more to us. One wrote at New Year: “I wish you a vision of God that shall make you eager to guide others to the place of vision; a vision of yourself that shall give you charity for the weakness of other; a vision of others that shall reveal their virtues more than their faults; a vision of life that shall make you eager to work, willing to endure, patient in waiting, a master of self and a servant of all.”

It is hard to do, but we need to trust our Lord. Put God first and let Him lead and guide us at all times. To always accept His will be done. This new year, we need to learn to follow God, let Him guide us, accept His will be done, and turn it all over to Him. We can be more at peace when we accept God, His plan and purpose and trust in Him, His will be done. Put God first! 
