Beach Peace Although Cooler Weather, I am Still Counting My Blessings!


What a nice day! Lots of nice sun! It has been cooler all week, yesterday only about 64, today it got up to about 72, the beach was nicer today. In the sun it is not that bad. The water was actually really nice and refreshing. I love saying my prayers, being at peace, and enjoying this ocean water from God! It is such a blessing and brings so much peace and tranquility to my life. We see so much hate today. So much greed and selfishness. I want a life filled with love, positivity, and joy in the Lord. I try to focus on that, stay away from hate and negativity, and live with God and His Holy Spirit within! When I focus on things of this world, especially news and the government it gets me down. When I focus on God and an eternal life in Heaven with Him, it gives me peace. I feel the beach here is a glimpse of Heaven for me. I want to stay focused on Jesus and His love, using Him as an example as God wants me to do. Thank you for the beach peace dear Lord! 


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