Confessing Sin, Praying, Staying Faithful, and Working Toward the Example Jesus Gave Us!


If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

⏤ 1 John 1:9 

Prayer does not influence God. Prayer surely does influence God. It does not influence His purpose. It does influence His action. 

⏤ S.D. Gordon

God is so good to us! He loves us so much! He just wants us to obey His Commandments, follow the teachings of Jesus, and being a people of goodwill. We need to confess our sins, try to stay away from sin, pray, be faithful and trust in God, allowing Him to instruct us, and always accept His will be done in our lives. 

The Mornings with God App today was very nice, a good reminder about how great God is and His mercy, it said, "O God, as Enoch walked with You, we desire to walk with You this day. The world is full of danger, and we cannot get on safely without Your protection. The paths are tangled — and we could never find the way alone. We need Your companionship, to make the day one of blessing. So we ask that we may be permitted to walk with You. We will try to be faithful, not running ahead of You, nor falling behind — but keeping with You all the day. May You walk with us — and may You help us to walk with You. We thank You for the rest of the past night. You have kept us. We lay down and slept — and You sustained us. You are our safe keeper. All our mercies come from You. Give us grateful hearts as we begin this new day. We want to please You in all things, not wandering from Your commandments. Help us, for while the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak, and we cannot be faithful but as we get strength from You. Bless all our household this morning, and give us each a personal blessing. We go out now to our different duties. It may be that we shall never all meet together again; may we therefore separate in love, so that if we never again all come together in this world, there may be in no heart any regrets because of unkindness at parting. Bless to us our morning meal, and give us wisdom for all the duties, tasks, responsibilities, and struggles of the day. May the influence of our lives be for the good, leaving on every one we touch a blessing. Make us strong for work. Deliver us from the arrow that flies by day, and the pestilence that walks in darkness. Keep us all day near Your own heart, and give us the grace, mercy, and peace we need. For Jesus' sake. Amen."

Following the example Jesus gave us is not always easy. We need to do the best we can to follow His example, to be free of sin, pray, be faithful in Him, and follow His example the best we can accepting His will be done in our lives. He loves us, He forgives us, and He wants us to know Him. Easier said than done, but we do serve a merciful God and He knows we are human and is loving and forgiving nonetheless, He knows our hearts, we just need to do our very best and trust in Him! 


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