Keeping Things Positive in Life: Saying No to Bad News Media and Hate!


Where is the objectivity in news reporting today?  Why does most news seem so one sided or slanted? Each seems to have an angle. There are consequences to controlled media today in a country or society especially when they cover for a corrupt government and agencies and big business/pharma. Many seem to spew a lot of hate too. Especially if you are on the side of logic, reasoning, life, or conservative common sense thinking. The legacy news that I grew up on is so biased and full of hate today. Most cable news is too. There are only a few news organizations that seem to be objective and just report facts without adding opinion or not showing all the facts or truth, slanting it in one direction. Today, it is obvious which news are biased. I do not watch any of them that show this. I want news that is objective, fair, facts, truth, and not spewing any tint of hate in the report.  Much of the media today is complicit in covering for corruption, mediocrity, fraud, and ineffective governance. They do not report the truth or even overlook it. They make the criminal the victim, the so called leader effective when they are not, they just do not report on facts, covering for one side of government or a political party. They are in bed with big pharma taking millions in ads and then allowing them to push their hurtful drugs on others, not allowing sound credentialed doctors to speak, saying some is misinformation, when they cover for a government that is propagating misinformation. The media covers for the dictators and bad policy in many parts of the world now, like they had to do in China, if you speak against them, you are dropped from the cable listing. Today there just is not objectivity in news. I see it in my family, as one of my family members only watches legacy news, they are brainwashed and not informed on a lot of news that those legacy channels refuse to report, truth. It is sad to see, they promote hate and divisiveness and it hurts our society and country as a whole.  Today more than ever you need to think for yourself. Be a free thinker and take all you hear on many news channels with a grain of salt. Many times they will not even report on some topics at all, like all the people who are sick and died from the CVD-vaccines. That is why I say "NO" to the bad news media and their hate! We need God, we need Jesus, we need laws and order, to be people of goodwill. All life matters to all of us. I think it is better to be positive, loving, and joyful, having hope in all and recognizing the lies from the truth. The legacy and cable news of today is not truth. They are hate, often lies, and one-sidedness. Most seem to have become slaves for Satan, doing his work, following him, instead of God and goodness. That is why I am saying no to bad news media and hate! We can either be on the side of love, light, God, miracles, and truth, or on the side of hate, lies, and Satan. I want to watch and read God news! 
