Following the Lord, Staying Away from Evil, Being a Light, and Associating with Only Like-Minded People!


Stay away from people who are not followers of the Lord! Can someone who is good get along with someone who is evil? Are light and darkness the same?

~2 Corinthians 6:14

All we can be is examples like Jesus was, Try to always be good people, upholding the 10 Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill, living in His love and light. Normally, one is attracted to other like minded people. We need to be associates of the Lord, stay away from evil and wickedness, be lights for others, examples like Jesus, and associated with like minded people. We have no business being with darkness and evil. We need to stay away from evil, not be tempted by the devil, and do not become his slave. Today we see so many living in darkness and are slaves for the devil, doing his evil deeds. We cannot fall into that trap. We know right from wrong. We need to stay with others who know right and live in the light! This Bible verse is very clear. While we can be examples like Jesus was, we cannot fall into being trapped to be slaves for Satan and do any evil. We need to stay with believers, people who practice, people who love. Stay away from negativity, hate, and misery. Anyone who lives in darkness should be a clear signal for putting a distance between them. If you do not smoke, do drugs, drink alcohol, vape, gamble, have tats, and do not party what would you have in common with someone who does? Nothing! If you go to church, pray, say rosaries, stay healthy, go to the gym, love God, and serve the Lord, then you will feel better hanging with others that do. The Bible verse today has some really good advice for living, I have always felt the same way. We are blessed when we heed the advice from our Lord in the Bible! 
