Pursuing Righteousness, Godliness, Faith, Love, Endurance, and Gentleness!


But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

~1 Timothy 6:1

What a great final charge to Timothy in this verse above! What a great way and advice to live by! We need to flee from sin, from greed, corruption, fraud, hate, negativity, selfishness, etc. We need to stop sinning and turn to God! We need God. Our countries and world need God! Our elected, governments, and powers that be need God. This is the big problem today. So many are living with out God. Like John Adams refers to as well, we have the Constitution, but what good is it if its people do not have morals or religion? It is so true. Today is an example of this. Our government is broken today. We do not have morals or religion. So many are without God. Morally broke too, not following the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Jesus, being people of goodwill. Many think it is fine to kill innocent, helpless, voiceless babies, murdering them in the name of birth control and inconvenience. It is sad to see, killing these innocent souls from God. We do not stand up to the death penalty or abortion, allowing it to happen all the time, as if our governments are God, instead. Sad to see in these times. Sad to see all the greed and selfishness we see in our world today. We have turned from God in this country and world. Like the book God Calling says, that England could be saved tomorrow if its government would listen to God.  Any government for that matter. Nebuchadnezzar and Manasseh changed and converted they listened to God, but most governments today don't, they follow more evil. We see it and hear about it all the time. Even the media cover for the bad and are complicit too, so many are morally drained and lack any religious righteousness to do what is right. We accept anything, everything goes today. Even if it is not morally sounds or consistent with the 10 Commandments, like murdering innocent babies, how can we say we are a civilized and humane society?  We need to pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness in this life. We need to overcome hate with love. God is the only one with the answers, we need to trust in Him, we need to follow Him and be like Jesus, the example He gave us! 

We need God, we need the Bible! We need morals and religion! 


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