Most Humans and Countries Just Want Peace!

I like this quote from our previous president of the United States. He was wise. We have had a few wise presidents. I like Abraham Lincoln a lot too. Today many so called leaders and elected have too much ego and are too corrupt. They start a lot of wars on their dime, cause a lot of inflation, costs, stress, crime, insecurity, and problems. It is sad to see in the news today all the problems because of so called leaders and elected, who cause a great deal of stress for the public as a whole. The greed, self-serving, and selfish ways of most powers that be are distressing today. They cause a lot of problems for humans and their countries, they take peace away, not give it. They cause a lot of fear, hate, division, and negativity in society. We see it a lot today for sure. It is sad to see. Our world needs our prayers. We can control it some, we have to, my brother says he watches little news, local or otherwise, he just does not want the lies, stress, and disappointment. It is sad to see, but a true reality. It is hard to put any faith in our governments or elected today. That is why I found I have to follow and trust God and His goodness, He is all I can trust now. Humans always disappoint, always. We need to get our own peace first from within, then work on sharing this with the world, it takes connecting with God. Not this world. Jesus gives peace, we need to find it in Him and His example. Our love can bring peace and harmony when we live with Jesus in our hearts! May God's peace be with you! 
