Sow Righteousness So to Reap a Sure Reward!


A wicked person earns deceptive wages, but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward.

~Proverbs 11:18

Today we see so much wickedness in our country and world. Especially by our elected, government, so called leaders and powers that be. They have done so much evil and many deceptive things. Many advance by their deception, most always do, it is sad to see. They need our prayers. We see so much greed today! Even from our churches and faith families, they make everything about money, instead of the free God and Jesus. There is so much selfishness too, ego, vanity, and self-serving ways prevail. People become obsessed with things of this world, money, power, material possessions. It is in the news always, especially from our elected, how evil they have become to advance as if they can take all the money from the Orient with them to the grave. Selling our souls to the devil and being slaves for Satan should not be our goal. Getting into Heaven should be our first priority. Yet, many become slaves, they scurry and do so many deceptive actions, lose honor, and look very bad as humans to do this. We need to follow Jesus, not the devil and doing all these wicked things, so many earn deceptive wages because they become slaves for Satan. How sad to see this, especially from the elected, governments, powers that be. They lie, cheat, steal, and commit fraud all for advancing their agenda. What honor is this to God? He knows our hearts. We need to follow Jesus. God gave Jesus as our example of how to live, here on this Earth School, and how to love. We must sow righteousness so to reap the sure reward, Heaven with Jesus! 
