
Showing posts with the label Wickedness

Who Will You Follow-Satan, God of This World, or Jesus Who Promises Life Eternal in Heaven?

This Bible Verse by Peter Sums Up A lot for Us About How to Live and Love!

Do You Not Know that to Be a Lover of the World Means Enmity with God?

God's Protection: Staying on the Side of God and Following Jesus, Knowing Right from Wrong, Being Upright and Holy!

All Will Be Revealed! Secrets, Lies, Corruption, Greed, Selfishness, Evil, Wickedness, it is All Going to Be Exposed in the Light of God!

We See A lot of this Today by the Powers that Be, they Deceive Themselves Thinking They are or Know More than God Does!

Living in the Light, Exposing Darkness, Being Obedient in the Lord, Shining for Christ!