Thanking God Heaven Begins Here on Earth!


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 

⏤ Philippians 4:6 

Prayer is the Christian’s greatest weapon. 

⏤ Billy Graham

I am counting my blessings at every moment of my life! That is what we need to do! We need to pray, give thanks, and remain joyful in the Lord always! It is so important today to be positive, loving, and joyful. Too many today are full of hate, rage, indifference, and negativity. Where is the joy? We need to stay clear of haters and negative people, we need to be joyful and uplifting for them, but do not fall to there level of dissatisfaction. Today the Mornings of God App had a nice write-up, prayer, Bible verse and quote about all of this. A great reminder for all of us! 

The Mornings with God App said today, "May this new morning bring us into new fellowship with You, our gracious heavenly Father. May the light of Your love be newly revealed in our hearts. May Your grace be poured upon us like sunshine out of Heaven. May we have a glimpse of that fullness of life, which awaits us in the eternal world, the heavenly home — so that our hearts may be drawn towards it. We thank You that Heaven begins here on earth, that when we receive Jesus as our Master, we have everlasting life. Help us to enter every day more deeply into life. May we be filled with all Your fullness, even in this world. Abide in us, and may we abide in You. May Your love be shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We ask You for grace to witness for Jesus today wherever we go. In our home life, may we witness to each other of the power of Jesus to make us loving, gentle, and affectionate. In our day's occupations, may we witness for Jesus to all who see us, by our diligence and faithfulness, and by our unselfish ministries. In our friendships, may we witness for Jesus by our thoughtfulness, constancy, and sincerity, and by our unselfish sympathy, kindness, and helpfulness. In all our life, may we be witnesses for Jesus, and may the beauty of the Lord be revealed in our lives. We speak our prayer to You this morning for all whose duties lead them into places of danger. We pray for those who go upon the sea that they may be kept from danger; for those who are upon railway trains, for those who work in mines, and for all whose occupations are full of peril. We pray for our neighbors and friends, for the poor, the sick, and the dying. Grant these requests for Jesus' sake, Amen."

Let our lives be filled with the Holy Spirit! With God, Jesus within, Emmanuel! We need to be positive, loving, and joyful always! We cannot fall for hate and negativity. We need to thank God always and stay in constant prayer. Pray without stopping! Pray for all people and situations. Thanking God that Heaven begins here on Earth when we follow the teachings and ways of Jesus, His Commandments, and work to be people of goodwill. If we can do it all here, then it offers us the key to eternal life in Heaven with Him! What a blessing that Jesus is our Salvation! Stay joyful and full of glory in Him! 

Remain joyful always! 
