Working Toward My Crown of Life with God as my Guide on this Earth School Battlefield!


But if ye shall at all turn from following Me, ... then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them. 

- 1 Kings 9: 6-7

We need to follow God! We need to obey His Commandments and the teachings of Jesus! We need to live with God as our refuge and source. If we do not, life is a challenge and difficult often. I know that I need God. I pray constantly and try to always count my blessings. These both help me to stay in a state of peace and not worry so much. 

The Mornings With God App said today, "Life is a more perilous ocean than the Atlantic. People talk about the terrors of death, but living has greater terrors than dying. In Miss Procter’s poem a child asks, “What is life, father?” and gets the answer that life is a battle, where many fail and yield. Then the child asks, “What is death, father?” We are not surprised that when she learns that death is the rest which comes at the end of the strife, she says, “Let me die, father; I fear to live.” But the wise answer is, “You must live first, and win your crown on the battlefields of life.” Life is full of perils, but there is One who can guard us from stumbling and present us faultless before the presence of God at last. We need only to have Christ for our Friend, and He will bring us safely through all peril. But without Christ we never can get home. A tourist in the Alps said he needed no guide, and he set out one morning alone. But he never returned."

I love the above prayer and write-up from the Mornings with God App. I read it daily, some days it has some good advice and prayers, quotes, and good vibes to live by. This one today is top notch. We need God, we cannot live without Him, and when we try to, we often fail or have problems. We need God, following Jesus each day is my priority, God gave Him to us as our example in this Earth School journey! God can guard us through so many perils of life. We cannot live in fear. We need to live our lives trusting in God, following Him, knowing our goal is to get home to Heaven with Him, we need to win our crown on the battlefield of life! 
