A Solar Eclipse Miracle from God!


Today there was so much talk about the solar eclipse. There hasn't been one since 2017 and not another until like 2044. In Florida there was only a partial eclipse, 57% so it did not get dark or anything. Luckily with the clouds it was easy to see the moon passing in front of the sun and I could see its gradual increase to the 57% and then do nothing at all. It looked exciting in many areas that had total eclipse as it get dark for like 4 minutes. My sister said in her area in New York it was about 92% so it did get dark there some for a bit and she could hear the crickets. There was so much hype about this today. But no one ever mentioned God and how He created the Earth, planets, and moon and all the science behind them. It was God that created this phenomenon, but no one wants to recognize Him. All the marvels of this world come from God! No coincidences to anything, it is all God's timing for all! It is a miracle and blessing to see things like this happen and know that God is behind it all. We forget about God, but we shouldn't. He is the maker of the universe and Jesus is the King and our Ruler! Miracles are their work for us! 
