Blessed to Experience Glimpses of Heaven from God this Week!


What a blessing from God! He offers us glimpses of Heaven  right here on Earth! But it is not Heaven because of sin, we also have a god of Earth, Satan, who is always tempting all to sin and do bad. So many today think it is their right to disregard laws and do bad and sin, hurting and bothering others. In Heaven it will not be like that thankfully. We need to set our minds on eternity in Heaven with Jesus, not of this world. So many work to deceive, steal, get rich, have power over others, do so much evil and wickedness while on the Earth. There is a price people will have to pay for their sin. They fall to becoming slaves for the god of Earth, Satan, and  sell their souls to him the devil, instead of following God, His Commandments, and the teaching of Jesus. I am thankful to God for Him sharing these glimpses as a reminder for me how I want to live and to not sin or be evil, or become a slave, instead be holy, upright, and walking in the ways of Jesus while here. I know Heaven will even be so much better than these beach moments or glimpses, I just want to walk in the ways of the Lord! Thank you God for working on me, guiding me, leading me to be the person you set out for me to be, thank you for making me be the best I can be, and to be able to get into Heaven to spend eternity with Jesus when I leave this Earth world of sin. God is so good to me! His prayer and peace time with me at the beach is such a blessing! 
