We Need to Live with God in Our Life Story!


God is in this Story by Katy Nichole and Big Daddy Weave on GodTube

We need to live with God in our story! We need God in our lives! I love this song and it is so wonderful to listen to great Christian music like this. I am glad people are writing songs like this and sharing them, helping others and brining an awareness to God. It is our job as Christians to be disciples for Christ. To share His love and message of Salvation for all people. All we need to do is follow Jesus. God gave us His son Jesus in human form as an example of how to live on this Earth School, we just need to follow Him! To love like Him! When we believe and follow Jesus, His teachings, the 10 Commandments from God, and be people of goodwill, we have to believe and follow, when we do, we have an opportunity with God to spend eternity in Heaven with Him. I want God in my life, in my story. I want to go to church each week and hear His words. I want to read the Bible each day to learn more of His words. I want to follow Jesus and have God in my story! That is all that really matters. Pray for our world and country. Pray for our elected and governments, so many have become slaves for Satan today, doing so much evil, follow the ways of the wicked, so many never want God or you to talk about Jesus or the Bible. We all as people of God need to follow God, not humans, they will always disappoint, all governments and powers that be will. We are God's people first and foremost, we need to follow God and let Him be in our story! Loving all in the name of Jesus Christ!  Let go and let God! 
