Keep Your Eyes Set on God, Reflect Jesus in All You Do, Don't Fall to Be a Slave for Satan, Your Future is in Heaven!


They took up the ark of the covenant, and went before the people. 

- Joshua 3:6

Today the majority of people on Earth are failing. They try to go about this life without God. They error a lot, living without God. They become slaves for Satan and do lot of evil and wickedness. We see that today by many, especially by our elected, governments, and powers that be, that are greedy, selfish, and self-serving. We need God and cannot really be successful without Him! 

The Mornings With God App spoke about this and they said, "The ark was the symbol of God’s own presence. God is always ready to lead us. To go without Him into life’s experiences, is to fail. A little way back, when instructions were given for this crossing, Joshua said to the people, “You have not passed this way heretofore, and therefore you must keep in sight of the ark which will go before you.” The same may be said of every day’s experiences. We have not passed this way heretofore. Although we have lived thousands of other days, each new day presents an unknown pathway to us, a way we have never gone over before. The only safe thing to do is always to keep the ark in sight, and to follow it. One of the marks of the true Christian is that he follows Christ. Christ’s sheep know His voice and follow Him, and He goeth before them. Children should learn in their earlier years that Christ is their Leader, and that every morning they can put their hand in His for guidance for the day.""

We need to think like this, to know that God is our supreme leader, He is our God and Savior, he gave us Jesus as an example of how to live and go about all on this Earth School journey, when we follow Jesus, we will have success, we will be in lockstep with Jesus when we reflect His love in all we do while on this journey.  We have to keep Jesus in sight and always follow Him. His will be done in our lives. God never will disappoint, humans will. Reflect Jesus always and know following Him is your ticket to an eternal life in Heaven with Him! 
