Stop Watching the News! Find Instead Joy in Jesus and Our Lives Here on this Earth School!


Joy by For King & Country on GodTube

We need to stop watching the news in this country and world! That is how this song starts out! Love it!  I turned it all off today! I am listening to Christian FM, KLove, and WayFM, listening to Christian music, listening to God inspired music filled with joy and love of Christ! That is what we all need to do today. Turn it all off! The governments and news is not God! It is filled with hate, greed, corruption, fraud, division, and mediocrity. This is not God! The governments today think they are God, but they are not. Most of the media and news today are complicit with the corrupt governments and are also slaves for Satan. Most are farther away from God than many of us. They are just slaves for Satan, we need to remember that the carnal mind is hostile toward God, we see it all the time today, the government instead is pushing all things money, power, selling us out, not to God, but to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes,  gambling, vices, big pharma, they want us dependent on them, for us to spend all on them and their investments. Don't fall for it all, they are slaves for Satan, they want your souls. We need to be sowing for the Spirit, know that we will be crucified in this world with our flesh, instead, sow for the Spirit, live for God, follow Jesus, not things of this world. Stop watching all the bad and complicit news, all the hate, all the division, all things of this carnal world! Hold on to God, know Jesus, follow Him, do not become consumed by things of this world. We need to stop sinning and giving into temptation of things of this world, all the sin. They want you, they want our souls, give it to Jesus instead! Let Jesus be your Savior in this world.  Find joy in God's plan, in how Jesus died for us, how He promises life eternal in Heaven when we follow Him! This song is a good reminder to all of us, stop watching the news and following the evils of this government and world, follow Jesus only! Put Jesus first! 
