May Our Light Shine Before Men, That Seeing Us, They May Glorify You oh Lord!


Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. 

⏤ Job 22:27 

Waiting in prayer is a disciplined refusal to act before God acts. 

⏤ Eugene Peterson

Jesus came into this world to be a light and truth for the world, He came as our Savior! He is here to set us free from the slaves of Satan who want to control you with things Earthly and carnal. Money, power, gold, control, they are all illusions, that unfortunately our elected, government, and powers that be think are something good to elevate them, but only Jesus can do that, they follow the evil and wicked ways of the devil doing his dirty deeds. We need to follow Jesus, be His light, shine the truth on His ways, follow and reflect Him and know He is our Savior and only way to get to Heaven. Please pray that so many of the slaves release themselves from the bonds of the devil and follow Jesus instead, to be able to reach Heaven! Our world will be a better place when all God's people follow Jesus! 

The Mornings with God App today had a nice message to share, they said, "O God, as the morning has risen upon us, may the Sun of righteousness also rise upon us. Chase away the shadows of darkness from us, and may we be light in the Lord. Enable us to put off all the works of darkness, whatever belongs to the old evil nature, and to put on the garments of light, doing the works of the day and not of the night. May our light shine before men, that seeing us, they may glorify You. We desire to grow in grace. As the deer pants after the water-brooks, so our souls long after You. Our souls thirst for God, for the living God. Nothing else will satisfy them. This world has in it nothing to meet the needs of our immortal spiritual natures. Let us not try to feed ourselves on that which is not bread — but may we learn to bring all our needs to You who alone can satisfy them. We come to You to begin the day — that we may have Your blessing upon it. Nothing is complete without You. As the flowers need the dew and the sunshine to make them fragrant — so do our lives need Your blessing to make them truly happy. Lay Your hand upon our heads as we bow before You. Direct our feet in all the day's paths. We want to carry out Your plan, not our own. Order our steps in Your word. Give us our work as we go on. Help us to be truthful, honest, and diligent in all our words and conduct. Prosper us in all our undertakings, unless they are wrong. Defeat whatever we undertake that is not agreeable to Your will. We go out now in our Savior's name, and we ask You to take us and use us to do Your will and to bless others. We ask all for Jesus' sake. Amen."

This world needs a lot of prayers! We all need to pray as the devil takes hold. We need to let our lights shine before all so they see the glory of God and want to follow Jesus too. We need to follow and reflect Jesus if we want to receive the glory of Heaven and an eternal life with Him when we leave this Earth School journey. Give all glory to God in Heaven, Jesus is the only way, truth, and light for all of us! 


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