Who Will You Follow-Satan, God of This World, or Jesus Who Promises Life Eternal in Heaven?


Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

~2 Corinthians 4:4

So many today are slaves for Satan and things of this world. They chase material and carnal desires and think things of this world will bring them happiness. They do not live in Spirit, instead become slaves for Satan the god of this world, they are blinded by him and his empty and deceptive lies and promises.  God is good to the upright, holy, and the ones that have and live with Jesus in their heart. He knows our hearts! Today we see so many evil people, slaves for Satan, mostly from our elected, government, and powers that be. They do so much evil, are so greedy, corrupt, and self-serving. God knows who! God is good, He reveals so much of it to us, today we can see the real slaves in action, doing so much bad in this world. They use their money, power, and influence to steal, cheat, lie, connive,  they do so much evil, it all is coming out and being exposed, God has a way. Any evil that has been done will all be revealed, it is all being revealed today, the evil slaves for Satan are humiliated by all the bad they have done, and it is being exposed, their greed, vanity, fraud, corruption, self-serving ways, it is all coming out in the open, God is great! We need to live with Jesus in our hearts, follow Him, heed Him, reflect Him in all we do. Those living blindly without God committing all this evil, they think they can hide all their wickedness, but they cannot, it is all be exposed. So many have such a hard time seeing the glorious light of the good news of Christ. They need to give glory, like many of the young Olympians going this year are, they are thanking Jesus and praising God, that is what we all need to do. Follow God, follow the 10 Commandments, follow the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill! If you follow Satan and be his slaves, you will be exposed! It all will be revealed! Believe! Count your blessings! Have faith! Trust in the Lord! Turn to Jesus! 
