Worship Only God, Not People or Things of This World!


His spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. 

- Acts 17:16

Today we live in a material world. There are a lot of material girls and boys. People are consumed by material possessions, money, power, gold, carnal desires, and all things of this world. Today we see fewer people going to church, worshiping God, praying, following Jesus, they instead are too busy with their lives of materialism, another form of idolatry. It is sad to see what has become of this world. We just do not honor, worship, or follow God enough. He gave us Jesus too, as our example of how to live, a model citizen for us to abide by and follow. He is our Savior! Our only way to Heaven! 

Mornings With God App today said, "A believer in God cannot look upon the world’s treatment of holy things without sore pain. Athens was a city of idols. There were more gods there than men – it was said. It was not easy to confess Christ in Athens, amid such exhibitions of idolatry as were seen everywhere. Yet that was just the place the true God should be proclaimed, and Paul was the only witness God had there. It is not enough for us to speak for God only where His name is honored, where all the people are, in a way, His friends. If we do this and then shrink from mentioning His name where all are hostile, we have failed in loyalty. Paul spoke words at Athens which the people had never heard before. He told of the one God in a place where hundreds of gods were worshipped. He declared God as spiritual and unseen, where all the people worshipped statues they could see."

We cannot be ashamed of talking about God. About following Jesus, being a reflection of Him. God is the only one we should be putting on a pedestal. He is who we need to honor, pray to, and love. We need to worship Him alone, not things or people of this world. We do not need a statue or material goods to worship, we have a loving God who over such a long period of time has proven to us His love for us. He wants to know us. He wants to love us. He wants us to obey Him, follow the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill worshiping Him alone!  I am confessing Christ to all the world!
