God Made Us to Recognize Truth!


Today we see a lot of bias in the news, whether on TV, the Internet, or in print. it is all so biased. It is sad to see. God made us to recognize truth. So when I hear it and see it so frequently, it bothers me. Today I have noticed all the legacy news on regular TV, most cable news, and most others are all state run media, an apparatus that is censuring the truth and brainwashes and is biased. They use a lot of psychology to really manipulate the truth and turn all to be one sided for one party and the powers that be. It is sad to see that our government gangsters, most elected, and the powers that be today are all such slaves for Satan, doing so much evil, being so greedy and corrupted, so self-serving, where fraud, cheating, lying, stealing, and mediocrity are all the norm and accepted and the media is complicit with all of them to allow it in our society.  Today we have state agencies who cover for people in power to direct money from other countries to their bank accounts in the millions to them and their family, all is covered up, and accepted by media today. Any news that does bring the real truth, who are honest reporters, are censured and silenced, banned from the Internet, cable, and reaching people, as the truth bothers the dishonest slaves for Satan. We are living in delicate times of so much hate, so much division, we see so many so deranged and full of hate, that they do not even understand their own hate. What really matters is the truth. We saw so much coverup about the election, so much planted hate and made up indictments against some candidates, we saw a lot of misinformation about the Covid virus, where it came form and then the cover up of the dangers of the vaccine, all proven after to be true, but the media with the liberal left, covered it all up with lies. A lot comes from greed, lies, and power, as can be seen with big pharma with so much. We need to seek the truth. Not settle for what the legacy, cable, and mainstream news says anymore, they are not the same news they were in the 1970's. All you have to do is just listen to it or read it for 10 minutes, you can recognize the bias, that is when you have to question the truth. I see it in my own life with family who only watch that news, they are completely brainwashed and believe all they say, too, they seem deranged and full of hate for some, which I never understood. We all need to turn from sin, to not become slaves for Satan, we need to take sin more seriously.  Today we need to put our trust and faith in Jesus, follow God's Commandments, and be people of goodwill trying to imitate and reflect Jesus.  Jesus said in John 14:6  “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, we need to follow His truth! Distinguish the truth, look for it, not accept what some complicit state news media pushes on us, filling us with lies and bias. We need to be followers of the truth Jesus speak of, not the lies and deceit Satan spews, he just wants us to be his slaves, be free in Jesus, seek His truth! 
