The God who Made the Universe, He Knows My Name, I am Going to Have a Good Day!


Good Day by Forrest Frank on GodTube

God's got our back! He knows us by name! He created the universe! He is looking out for us! We need to tell ourselves every single day, "this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!" We need to be filled with God, with the Holy Spirit! To follow Jesus, imitate and reflect Him! God gave us Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, as an example, a model to follow, how to live while on this Earth School journey! It is all about our attitude! That really makes a difference. I love the beach, the sun, and birds! All from God, we need to give thanks and praise. Live lives full of praise and thanksgiving. People today need to be careful not to fall into self-pity, you need to turn that to prayer for yourself and others, the world, to mention names, to pray and count your blessings, mention and say all things you are grateful for, it makes a huge difference. We need to surround ourselves with positive, loving, and joyful people, people joyful in the Lord. Steer clear for hate, negativity, and divisiveness and deranged people and thinking. Keep it positive and loving!  Say no to negativity and hate! You can have a good day when you stay focused on God, the love of Jesus, and one another! Love the song and the message! We make our own good day when we stay focused on Jesus! 


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