We Do Not Take Covetousness Seriously in Our Society!


Woe to those who plan iniquity,
and work out evil on their couches;
In the morning light they accomplish it
when it lies within their power.
They covet fields, and seize them;
houses, and they take them;
They cheat an owner of his house,
a man of his inheritance.
Therefore thus says the LORD:
Behold, I am planning against this race an evil
from which you shall not withdraw your necks;
Nor shall you walk with head high,
for it will be a time of evil.
On that day a satire shall be sung over you,
and there shall be a plaintive chant:
"Our ruin is complete,
our fields are portioned out among our captors,
The fields of my people are measured out,
and no one can get them back!"
Thus you shall have no one
to mark out boundaries by lot
in the assembly of the LORD.

~Micah 2:1-5

Remember that the 9th and 10th Commandments talk about covetousness, of spouse, and property, today we do not take covetousness seriously. Many always want, desire, or steal, and take what is not theirs. Whether it be a spouse or partner, belongings, something else someone has or wanting what they have. There is a lot of jealousy, greedy, and envy today, all leading to covetousness.  Even our government, wants and wants, taking so much from hard working tax paying citizens, wanting more and more, abusing their powers, like we see in the reading in Micah. So many sin today, they sin and abuse covetousness a great deal in our society. It is sad to see, and we need to pray for this and work toward not desiring, wanting, or taking what others have. Not being envious or jealous, greedy, and all which can lead to covetousness. Some even take others ideas, writings, and work, and try to pass it off as their work, I know it has happened to me many times in my career. Our government and powers that be do this a lot with peoples land all in the name of progress, but we all need to question this. Today there is a lot of cheating, we see it all the time, especially from our elected, government gangsters, and powers that be. The powers have more protections because of all their money than the common person, it is sad to see and is abusive. A lot of people walk with head held high and commit a lot of evil, we are seeing this played out a lot today in governments with all the wars, with never discussion of peace talks, wars are big business and sustain the wealthy, but hurting the common folks and God's children, but all they care about is money, not people unfortunately. God is watching He has the final say, He will make it all right and fair, although the abusers think they have the upper hand now, stand courageous in the Lord, that He will make it all right. Do not forget the poor, O Lord! Be careful not to covet! 
