The things of the spiritual world are real, if only our eyes are opened to see them!


They bring a blind man unto him.

 - Mark 8:22

Today we have so many living in darkness, living as if they were blind, or ignorant in their thinking, many with hate, demons, and negativity, sins,  and derangement being a larger part of their lives. They try to live with out Jesus and are blind to all His riches, because they live in this material world, instead of in Spirit. We need to turn from sin, hate, negativity, and stop living in blindness. We need to live with love, positivity, and be joyful in the Lord! God created us for a greater purpose, not things of this world. 

The Mornings With God App today said, "There are different kinds of blindness. People are led along the streets whose eyes see nothing of all the beautiful things in the natural world. Then there are people who have splendid eyes for the things of nature, but who are blind to spiritual things. This blindness is far worse than the other. Our prayer should be, as we go about through God’s natural world, “Open my eyes to see also the lovely things of the spiritual world.” There is a story of a man who lived beside the sea and who was always speaking to his neighbors of the blue mountains beyond. They saw no mountains, and thought he was only a dreamer. But one day he sailed away to visit these mountains. The people laughed at his delusion, as they thought it, but by and by he came back, bringing rich treasures – gold, silver, and precious stones – which he had gathered. The things of the spiritual world are real, if only our eyes are opened to see them."

We cannot live in blindness of anything, we need to see the beauty of this world, and know of the beauty of the Spirit world too, Heaven. God has made many promises to us, He wants us to obey His commandments and follow Jesus. He wants us to reflect and imitate Him! He is the light, the truth, and they way, the only way to Heaven. We cannot settle to live for things of this world and sin, or be blind to love, and be filled with hate and negativity, that is not the purpose God had for us ever. We need to open up our eyes of faith of the Spirt world and know God's promises of His son Jesus are what are most important for us!  Can you see now?


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