Today the world is in chaos because it has rejected God and His moral order, one has to ask themselves, why does evil seem to be winning in the world?


Today the world is in chaos because it has rejected God and His moral order, one has to ask themselves, why does evil seem to be winning in the world? It can be very frustrating and cause anxiety, depression, and despair. However all the evil and wickedness seems to keep winning, we need to trust in God, have faith, and hope that all will be restored to God's order in due time as He promises. Billy Graham talks about all of this on his website at:  Billy Graham and the Bible reminds us and he says, "The Bible indicates that in rejecting God and His principles for governing life, the world’s heading for greater tension, confusion, and turmoil that will ultimately set the stage for a final ruler filled with evil. But God will defeat this enemy and bring peace. The time is now for every person to decide where they stand with God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Peacemaker." My father always liked to watch and listen to Billy Graham, he thought a great deal of him and his preaching. Graham talks about sin a lot, how we need to follow the Ten Commandments of God, follow the teachings of Jesus, and be people of goodwill. It is all critical. This week when I was listening to many religious programs I was reminded about how God gave us the 10 Commandments, rules for life for all of humanity.  As humans, we need to keep God's law, this law is more important than man's laws. Some say these Commandments are not a religion, they come from God, rules for all in life. Today most governments and so called leaders do not want to mix religion and government, they think no commandments should play a role in school or government. Although our schools in the USA were built on the premise of educating our youth to know the Bible and word of God. Today we see so called leaders in most countries becoming dictators, they want to control all and stay in power, they cheat, steal, and lie, are so corrupt and commit fraud, selling out their countries and souls to the devil and other countries. So many sin so much, they have joined the army of Satan, being his slaves, forgetting God and the promises of His son. Although they really lost in their elections, they commit fraud, saying they won and forcing the other out of the country, or making them political prisoners or using lawfare and political persecution, we are seeing this all around the world now, it is demoralizing and sad to see. We see so called leaders pushing so much war, and arm sales, they profit doing insider trading, caring more about their pockets and money over the country and peace. The greed, corruption, and selfishness from our so called leaders today is reprehensible, it is so sad to see. Our countries and world need our prayers. They need the reminder of the moral high ground they need to return to. So many elected, government gangsters, and powers to be today are abusing their power, sinning, and hurting all of humanity with their evil and wickedness. They need our prayers. We need to trust in the Lord nonetheless and know that God will defeat this enemy and bring peace! 
