When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devil shouts for joy!


When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devil shouts for joy. 

⏤ Corrie Ten Boom

This is what is happening today! The devil is very happy, Satan is so joyful with this country and government and all his slaves doing all they are doing, the hate, the division, the crime, greed, corruption, fraud, it is all so sad to see, and the haters are fine with it if it is directed toward the one, they will make all excuses for the cheat, the murder, the lawfare, because of their hate for the one. Like in times of Jesus, they went after Him too, He was innocent and sinless, but they had them murdered, and the same type would like to have the one murdered today because of their hate, their negativity, their derangement syndrome. It is so sad to see, we need to pray for all the slaves for Satan, there are a lot of them today, even most of the legacy media and cable are complicit too, the devil is so pleased with them doing all his dirty deeds. Today they want people not buying or reading Bibles, they want few people in churches or knowing anything about Jesus and His power. They make all bad good, and all good bad, like allowing and supporting and pushing so much abortion, the murder and killing of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies, human beings, souls from God, they make so many excuses for what it is okay to kill babies, they care more about rescue dogs then human babies. Today we make a lot of excuses for sin! When someone goes to pray to save babies, they arrest them, we are living in demonic times, times where Satan has taken control of the government, elected, gangsters, and powers that be, they are all slaves for him, promoting all of this evil and wickedness. We forget God and what Jesus stands for, we push sin, hate, and murder as if it is all acceptable. Our country, government, and world needs a lot of prayers. We all need to turn to Jesus, overcome this stronghold that Satan has on the government and world now, it is sad to see, pray all you can! The quote above is so true, and so many have fallen for Satan, being his slaves. We need to wake up and turn to Jesus, to follow Him, reflect Him, and imitate Him! Please pray for our government, our elected, our country, the world, the unborn, and that all people turn to Jesus! 


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