Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand!


Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 

⏤ Ephesians 6:13 

Are we living in the evil day? Like the Bible verse talks about above? We need to put on our armor of God, it is the only way we can withstand all the wickedness and evil that comes against us in this world and life we face now. It may seem like the world is broken and there are so many issues and problems, so much crime, lawlessness, fraud, corruption, a lot from our elected and government, it is sad to see, but we are called by God to have faith, let Him fight these battles, we need to pray and put our trust in Him and continue onward in a positive way, loving, serving, being positive, and joyful in the Lord just the same. God gives us this whole armor of Himself to withstand all the evil, to stand. Bishop Fulton Sheen talks about how the home has lost its authority. It lacks God and discipline. It is so true. He also says when this happens, it gives government authority to be more tyrannical, it seems like this is true today. We see a government out of control today, completely without God, or acting as if they are God, pushing so many drugs, vices, sex change operations, abortions, lawlessness/lawfare, it almost seems out of control and a shock to see, yes Bishop Sheen is right, this is tyrannical it seems. All we can do is turn to Jesus, follow His example, imitate, and reflect Him, He is our role model and protector, putting on His armor is our protection during these dark times of evil and wickedness, this tyrannical world we now live in. We need to remain positive, loving and joyful in the Lord nonetheless, it is a time of reflection, prayer, and hope, putting our faith in the Lord, trusting in Him and wearing the true armor of God that He gave us, Jesus!  Jesus is the only one who can give us peace! 


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